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Letteratura Scientifica Stillbirth – Natimortalità – Morte in utero

Perdita e Dolore

Letteratura Scientifica Stillbirth – Natimortalità – Morte in utero

A – C

Adolfsson, A., Larsson, P. G., Wijma, B., & Bertero, C. (2004).
 Guilt and emptiness: women’s experiences of miscarriage. 

Health care for women international, 25(6), 543-560.

Althabe F., Moore J.L., Gibbons L., Berrueta M., Goudar S.S., Chomba E., Derman R.J. et al. (2015). 
Adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes in adolescent pregnancies: The Global Network’s Maternal Newborn Health Registry study.A Reproductive Health; 12 (Suppl. 2): S8

Avelin, P., Rådestad, I., Säflund, K., Wredling, R., & Erlandsson, K. (2013). 
Parental grief and relationships after the loss of a stillborn baby. 
Midwifery, 29(6), 668-673.

Avelin P., Erlandsson K., Hildingsson I., Rådestad I. (2011). 
Swedish Parents’ Experiences of Parenthood and the Need for Support to Sibilings When a Baby is Stillborn.
Birth; 38(2): 150-158.

Badenhorst, W., Riches, S., Turton, P., & Hughes, P. (2006). 
The psychological effects of stillbirth and neonatal death on fathers: Systematic review. 
ournal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 27(4), 245-256.

Barr P. (2012). 
Negative self-conscoius emotion and grief: An actor-partner analysis in couples bereaved by stillbirth or neonatal death. 
Psychology and Psychoterapy: Theory Research and Practice; 85:310-326.

Barr, P., & Cacciatore, J. (2008). 
Problematic emotions and maternal grief. 
OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 56(4), 331-348.

Blackmore, E. R., Côté-Arsenault, D., Tang, W., Glover, V., Evans, J., Golding, J., & O’Connor, T. G. (2011). 
Previous prenatal loss as a predictor of perinatal depression and anxiety

The British Journal of Psychiatry, 198(5), 373-378.

Bonnette S., Broom A. (2011). 
On grief, fathering and the male role in men’s account’s of stillbirth. Journal of Sociology.
The Australian Sociological Association; 48 (3): 248-265.

Brierley-Jones, L., Crawley, R., Lomax, S., & Ayers, S. (2015). 
Stillbirth and stigma: The spoiling and repair of multiple social identities. 
OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 70(2), 143-168.

Buyukcan-Tetik A., Finkenauer C., Schut H., Stroebe M., Stroebe W. (2016). 
The Impact of Bereaved Parents’ Perceived Grief Similarity on Relationship Satisfaction. Journal of Family Psychology. Advance Online Pubblication.

Burden, C., Bradley, S., Storey, C., Ellis, A., Heazell, A. E. P., Downe, S., Cacciatore, J., & Siassakos, D. (2016). 
From grief, guilt pain and stigma to hope and pride-a systematic review and meta-analysis of mixed-method research of the psychosocial impact of stillbirth. 
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16(9), 1-12.

Cacciatore J. (2013).
Psychological effects of stillbirth.
Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine; 18: 76-82.

Cacciatore, J., DeFrain, J., & Jones, K. L. (2008).
When a baby dies: Ambiguity and stillbirth.
Marriage & Family Review, 44(4), 439-454.

C – D

Cacciatore, J., Rådestad, I., & Frøen, J. F. (2008).
Effects of contact with stillborn babies on maternal anxiety and depression.
Birth, 35(4), 313-320.

Cacciatore J., DeFrain J., Jones K.L.C., Jones H. (2008).
Stillbirth and the Couple: A genderbased Exploration.
Journal Of Family Social Work, 11(4).

Cacciatore, J., Frøen, J., & Killian, M. (2013).
Condemning self, condemning other: blame and mental health in women suffering stillbirth.
Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 35(4), 342-359.

Cacciatore J., Erlandsson K., Rådestad I. (2013).
Fatherhood and suffering: A qualitative exploration of Swedish men’s experiences of care after the death of a baby.
International Journal of Nursing Studies; 50:664-670.

Cacciatore J., Killian M., Harper M. (2016).
Adverse outcomes in bereaved mothers: The importance of household income and education.
SSM-Population Health; 2: 117-122.

Cacciatore J., Lacasse J.R., Lietz C.A., McPherson J. (2013).
A parent’s tears: primary results from the trauma experuiences and resiliency study.
Omega; 68(3): 183-205.

Cacciatore J., Rådestad I., Frøen F. (2008).
Effects of Contact with Stillborn Babies on Maternal Anxiety and Depression.
BIRTH; 35:4.

Cacciatore J., Raffo Z. (2011).
An Exploration of Lesbian Maternal Bereavement.
National Association of Social Worker. Social Work; 56(2).

Cacciatore J., Schebly S., Frøen F. (2008).
The effects of social support on maternal anxiety and depression after stillbirth.
Health and Social Care in the Community; 17(2): 167-176.

Campbell-Jackson, L., & Horsch, A. (2014).
The Psychological Impact of Stillbirth on Women: A Systematic Review.
Illness, Crisis & Loss, 22(3), 237-256.

Caserta, D., Ralli, E., Matteucci, E., Bordi, G., Soave, I., Marci, R., & Moscarini, F. (2015).
The influence of socio-demographic factors on miscarriage incidence among Italian and immigrant women: a critical analysis from Italy. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 17(3), 843-851
Côté-Arsenault, D. C., & Marshall, R. (2000).
One foot in–one foot out: weathering the storm of pregnancy after perinatal loss.
Research in Nursing & Health, 23(6), 473-485.

Côté-Arsenault D., Denney-Koelsch E. (2016).
Have no regrets:” Parents’ experience and developmental task in pregnancy with a lethal fetal diagnosis.
Social Science & Medicin; 154: 100109.

Da Ros, C., Casadei, D., & Panzeri, M. (2005).
Sequele psicologiche della morte endouterina.
In P. L. Righetti & D. Casadei (a cura di), Sostegno psicologico in gravidanza, Roma: Magi.

 Doka J.K. (1989).
Disenfranchised grief: recognizing hidden sorrow.
Lexington Books: MA.

E – L

Ellis K., Chebsey C., Storey C., Bradley S. Jackson S., Flenady V., Heazell A., Siassakos D. (2016).
Systematic review to understand and improve care after stillbirth: a review of parents’ and healthcare professionals experiences.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 16:16.

Erlandsson K., Warland J., Cacciatore J., Rådestad I. (2013).
Seeing and holding a stillborn baby: Mothers’ feelings in relation to how their babies were presented to them after birth-Findings from an online questionnaire.
Midwifery; 29: 246-250.

Engelhard, I. M., van den Hout, M. A., & Arntz, A. (2001).
Posttraumatic stress disorder after pregnancy loss.
General Hospital Psychiatry, 23(2), 62-66.

Flenady, V., Boyle, F., Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Stones, W., & Cacciatore, J. (2014).
Meeting the needs of parents after a stillbirth or neonatal death. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 121(s4), 137-140.

Forhan, M. (2010).
Doing, being, and becoming: A family’s journey through perinatal loss. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 64(1), 142-151.

 Geller, P. A., Kerns, D., & Klier, C. M. (2004).
Anxiety following miscarriage and the subsequent pregnancy: a review of the literature and future directions.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 56(1), 35-45.

Godel, M. (2007).
Images of stillbirth: Memory, mourning and memorial.
Visual Studies, 22(3), 253-269.

Gold K.J., Sen A., Hayward R.A. (2010).
Marriage and Cohabitation Outcomes After Pregnancy Loss. Paediatrics; 125(5): e1202-1207.

Gold K.J. Boggs M.E., Muzik M., Sen A. (2014).
Anxiety disorders and obsessive compulsive disorder 9 months after perinatal loss.
General Hospital Psychiatry; 36(6): 650-654.

Gold K.J., Leon I., Boggs M.E., Sen A. (2015).
Depression and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms After Perinatal Loss in a Population-Based Sample.
Journal of Women’s Health: vol.00: n.0.

Hall CA, Reynolds CF 3rd, Butters M, Zisook S, Simon N, Corey-Bloom J, et al. (2014).
Cognitive functioning in complicated grief.
J Psychiatr Res. 58: 20.

Hughes, P., & Riches, S. (2003).
Psychological aspects of perinatal loss.
Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 15(2), 107-111.

Hutti, M. H., Armstrong, D. S., Myers, J. A., & Hall, L. A. (2015).
Grief intensity, psychological well-being, and the intimate partner relationship in the subsequent pregnancy after a perinatal loss. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 44(1), 42-50.

Hutti M.H., Armstrong D.S., Myers J.A. (2013).
Evaluation of the Perinatal grief Intensity Scale in the Subsequent Pregnancy After Perinatal Loss.
Journal of Obstetric Gynecology & Neonatal Nursing; 42: 679-706.

Lacroix P., Got F., Callahan N., Séjourné N. (2016).
La fausse couche: du côté des hommes.
Miscarriage: Men’s side. Psychologie française 61: 207-217.

L – S

Lang, A., Fleiszer, A. R., Duhamel, F., Sword, W., Gilbert, K.R., & Corsini-Munt, S. (2011).
Perinatal Loss and Parental Grief: the challenge of ambiguity and disenfranchised grief.

OMEGA-Journal of Death & Dying, 62(3), 183-196.

Lannen PK, Wolfe J, Prigerson HG, Onelov E, Kreicbergs UC. (2008). Unresolved grief in a national sample of bereaved parents: Impaired mental and physical health 4 to 9 years later.
J Clin Oncol. 26 (36): 5870-6.

Lewis J., Azar R. (2015).
Depressive Symptoms in Men Post-Miscarriage. Journal of Men’s Health; 11(5): 8-13.

Lee, C. (2012).
She was a person, she was here”: The experience of late pregnancy loss in Australia.
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 30(1), 62-76.

Li Z., McNally L., Hilder L., Sullivan E. (2011).
Australian Mothers and Babies 2009.
AIHW National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit: Sydney, SA, Australia.

Maghella, P. (2008).
La perdita invisibile. Elaborazione del lutto nel periodo perinatale.
In M. Sgarro (a cura di), Il lutto in psicologia clinica e in psicoterapia (pp. 147-159). Torino: Centro Scientifico.

McCreight, B. S. (2004).
A grief ignored: narratives of pregnancy loss from a male perspective. Sociology of Health & Illness, 26(3), 326-350.

Murphy S., Elklit A. (2012).
Psychological Consequences of Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death in a Sample of Bereaved Parents.
Journal of Loss and Trauma. International Perspectives on Stress & Coping; 19:1.

Neimeyer, R. A. (2016).
You were born, still: The search for meaning in perinatal loss.
In: K. J. Doka, & A. S. Tucci (eds.), Managing Conflict, Finding Meaning: Supporting Families at Life’s End (pp. 115-124).
Washington, DC: Hospice Foundation of America.

Nordlund, E., Börjesson, A., Cacciatore, J., Pappas, C., Randers, I., & Rådestad, I. (2012).
When a baby dies: Motherhood, psychosocial care and negative affect.
British Journal of Midwifery, 20(11), 780-784.

Pugliese, M. (2008).
La morte in utero: aspetti psicologici e relazionali.
In D. Baronciani, G. Bulfamante & F. Facchinetti (a cura di), La natimortalità: audit clinico e miglioramento della pratica assistenziale (pp. 133-139). Roma: Il Pensiero Scientifico.

Rådestad, I., Malm, M. C., Lindgren, H., Pettersson, K., & Larsson, L. L. F. (2014).
Being alone in silence-Mothers’ experiences upon confirmation of their baby’s death in utero.
Midwifery, 30(3), 91-95.

Samuelsson, M., Rådestad, I., & Segesten, K. (2001).
A waste of life: Fathers’ experience of losing a child before birth.
Birth, 28(2), 124-130.

Schwab W., Marth C., Bergant A.M. (2012).
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Post Partum. The Impact of Birth on the Prevalence of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Multiparous Women.
Geburtshlife Frauenheilkd; 72(1): 56-63.

Studi realizzati dalla Prof.ssa Gabriella Gandino 

La Profssa Gabriella Gandino è un importante ricercatrice  del Dipartimento di Psicologia dell’Università degli Studi di Torino, Psicologia clinica e psicoterapeuta a orientamento sistemico-relazionale, PhD e Ricercatore confermato in Psicologia clinica, Professore aggregato presso il Dipartimento di Psicologia dell’Università degli Studi di Torino e presso scuole di specializzazione in psicoterapia riconosciute dal MIUR. 
Si occupa da anni di perdita perinatale in ambito clinico, formativo e di ricerca ed è stata un importante elemento del nostro Comitato Scientifico. La nostra collaborazione si conclude il 7 Novembre 2022.
Di seguito i lavori presentati nel Congresso da noi organizzato nel 2019 a Torino e alcuni studi da Lei realizzati con la nostra affiliazione.  

Quando la gravidanza si interrompe. Il lutto perinatale nella coppia.

Gandino G., Sensi A., Vanni I. (2019).
Primo Congresso Internazionale Conoscere per Prevenire – Torino 27-28 settembre2019

Il paradosso in ostetricia: la perdita perinatale e le ripercussioni sugli operatori sanitari.

Gandino G., Vanni I. (2019).
Primo Congresso Internazionale Conoscere per Prevenire – Torino 27-28 settembre2019

Tra colpa e vergogna. Il lutto perinatale in una prospettiva transculturale.

Provera A., Gandino G. (2019).
Primo Congresso Internazionale Conoscere per Prevenire – Torino 27-28 settembre2019