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Letteratura Scientifica Stillbirth – Natimortalità – Morte in utero

Perdita e Dolore

Letteratura Scientifica Stillbirth – Natimortalità – Morte in utero

A – C

C – D

Cacciatore, J., Rådestad, I., & Frøen, J. F. (2008).
Effects of contact with stillborn babies on maternal anxiety and depression.
Birth, 35(4), 313-320.

Cacciatore J., DeFrain J., Jones K.L.C., Jones H. (2008).
Stillbirth and the Couple: A genderbased Exploration.
Journal Of Family Social Work, 11(4).

Cacciatore, J., Frøen, J., & Killian, M. (2013).
Condemning self, condemning other: blame and mental health in women suffering stillbirth.
Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 35(4), 342-359.

Cacciatore J., Erlandsson K., Rådestad I. (2013).
Fatherhood and suffering: A qualitative exploration of Swedish men’s experiences of care after the death of a baby.
International Journal of Nursing Studies; 50:664-670.

Cacciatore J., Killian M., Harper M. (2016).
Adverse outcomes in bereaved mothers: The importance of household income and education.
SSM-Population Health; 2: 117-122.

Cacciatore J., Lacasse J.R., Lietz C.A., McPherson J. (2013).
A parent’s tears: primary results from the trauma experuiences and resiliency study.
Omega; 68(3): 183-205.

Cacciatore J., Rådestad I., Frøen F. (2008).
Effects of Contact with Stillborn Babies on Maternal Anxiety and Depression.
BIRTH; 35:4.

Cacciatore J., Raffo Z. (2011).
An Exploration of Lesbian Maternal Bereavement.
National Association of Social Worker. Social Work; 56(2).

Cacciatore J., Schebly S., Frøen F. (2008).
The effects of social support on maternal anxiety and depression after stillbirth.
Health and Social Care in the Community; 17(2): 167-176.

Campbell-Jackson, L., & Horsch, A. (2014).
The Psychological Impact of Stillbirth on Women: A Systematic Review.
Illness, Crisis & Loss, 22(3), 237-256.

Caserta, D., Ralli, E., Matteucci, E., Bordi, G., Soave, I., Marci, R., & Moscarini, F. (2015).
The influence of socio-demographic factors on miscarriage incidence among Italian and immigrant women: a critical analysis from Italy. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 17(3), 843-851
Côté-Arsenault, D. C., & Marshall, R. (2000).
One foot in–one foot out: weathering the storm of pregnancy after perinatal loss.
Research in Nursing & Health, 23(6), 473-485.

Côté-Arsenault D., Denney-Koelsch E. (2016).
Have no regrets:” Parents’ experience and developmental task in pregnancy with a lethal fetal diagnosis.
Social Science & Medicin; 154: 100109.

Da Ros, C., Casadei, D., & Panzeri, M. (2005).
Sequele psicologiche della morte endouterina.
In P. L. Righetti & D. Casadei (a cura di), Sostegno psicologico in gravidanza, Roma: Magi.

 Doka J.K. (1989).
Disenfranchised grief: recognizing hidden sorrow.
Lexington Books: MA.

E – L

Ellis K., Chebsey C., Storey C., Bradley S. Jackson S., Flenady V., Heazell A., Siassakos D. (2016).
Systematic review to understand and improve care after stillbirth: a review of parents’ and healthcare professionals experiences.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 16:16.

Erlandsson K., Warland J., Cacciatore J., Rådestad I. (2013).
Seeing and holding a stillborn baby: Mothers’ feelings in relation to how their babies were presented to them after birth-Findings from an online questionnaire.
Midwifery; 29: 246-250.

Engelhard, I. M., van den Hout, M. A., & Arntz, A. (2001).
Posttraumatic stress disorder after pregnancy loss.
General Hospital Psychiatry, 23(2), 62-66.

Flenady, V., Boyle, F., Koopmans, L., Wilson, T., Stones, W., & Cacciatore, J. (2014).
Meeting the needs of parents after a stillbirth or neonatal death. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 121(s4), 137-140.

Forhan, M. (2010).
Doing, being, and becoming: A family’s journey through perinatal loss. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 64(1), 142-151.

 Geller, P. A., Kerns, D., & Klier, C. M. (2004).
Anxiety following miscarriage and the subsequent pregnancy: a review of the literature and future directions.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 56(1), 35-45.

Godel, M. (2007).
Images of stillbirth: Memory, mourning and memorial.
Visual Studies, 22(3), 253-269.

Gold K.J., Sen A., Hayward R.A. (2010).
Marriage and Cohabitation Outcomes After Pregnancy Loss. Paediatrics; 125(5): e1202-1207.

Gold K.J. Boggs M.E., Muzik M., Sen A. (2014).
Anxiety disorders and obsessive compulsive disorder 9 months after perinatal loss.
General Hospital Psychiatry; 36(6): 650-654.

Gold K.J., Leon I., Boggs M.E., Sen A. (2015).
Depression and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms After Perinatal Loss in a Population-Based Sample.
Journal of Women’s Health: vol.00: n.0.

Hall CA, Reynolds CF 3rd, Butters M, Zisook S, Simon N, Corey-Bloom J, et al. (2014).
Cognitive functioning in complicated grief.
J Psychiatr Res. 58: 20.

Hughes, P., & Riches, S. (2003).
Psychological aspects of perinatal loss.
Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 15(2), 107-111.

Hutti, M. H., Armstrong, D. S., Myers, J. A., & Hall, L. A. (2015).
Grief intensity, psychological well-being, and the intimate partner relationship in the subsequent pregnancy after a perinatal loss. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 44(1), 42-50.

Hutti M.H., Armstrong D.S., Myers J.A. (2013).
Evaluation of the Perinatal grief Intensity Scale in the Subsequent Pregnancy After Perinatal Loss.
Journal of Obstetric Gynecology & Neonatal Nursing; 42: 679-706.

Lacroix P., Got F., Callahan N., Séjourné N. (2016).
La fausse couche: du côté des hommes.
Miscarriage: Men’s side. Psychologie française 61: 207-217.

L – S

Lang, A., Fleiszer, A. R., Duhamel, F., Sword, W., Gilbert, K.R., & Corsini-Munt, S. (2011).
Perinatal Loss and Parental Grief: the challenge of ambiguity and disenfranchised grief.

OMEGA-Journal of Death & Dying, 62(3), 183-196.

Lannen PK, Wolfe J, Prigerson HG, Onelov E, Kreicbergs UC. (2008). Unresolved grief in a national sample of bereaved parents: Impaired mental and physical health 4 to 9 years later.
J Clin Oncol. 26 (36): 5870-6.

Lewis J., Azar R. (2015).
Depressive Symptoms in Men Post-Miscarriage. Journal of Men’s Health; 11(5): 8-13.

Lee, C. (2012).
She was a person, she was here”: The experience of late pregnancy loss in Australia.
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 30(1), 62-76.

Li Z., McNally L., Hilder L., Sullivan E. (2011).
Australian Mothers and Babies 2009.
AIHW National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit: Sydney, SA, Australia.

Maghella, P. (2008).
La perdita invisibile. Elaborazione del lutto nel periodo perinatale.
In M. Sgarro (a cura di), Il lutto in psicologia clinica e in psicoterapia (pp. 147-159). Torino: Centro Scientifico.

McCreight, B. S. (2004).
A grief ignored: narratives of pregnancy loss from a male perspective. Sociology of Health & Illness, 26(3), 326-350.

Murphy S., Elklit A. (2012).
Psychological Consequences of Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death in a Sample of Bereaved Parents.
Journal of Loss and Trauma. International Perspectives on Stress & Coping; 19:1.

Neimeyer, R. A. (2016).
You were born, still: The search for meaning in perinatal loss.
In: K. J. Doka, & A. S. Tucci (eds.), Managing Conflict, Finding Meaning: Supporting Families at Life’s End (pp. 115-124).
Washington, DC: Hospice Foundation of America.

Nordlund, E., Börjesson, A., Cacciatore, J., Pappas, C., Randers, I., & Rådestad, I. (2012).
When a baby dies: Motherhood, psychosocial care and negative affect.
British Journal of Midwifery, 20(11), 780-784.

Pugliese, M. (2008).
La morte in utero: aspetti psicologici e relazionali.
In D. Baronciani, G. Bulfamante & F. Facchinetti (a cura di), La natimortalità: audit clinico e miglioramento della pratica assistenziale (pp. 133-139). Roma: Il Pensiero Scientifico.

Rådestad, I., Malm, M. C., Lindgren, H., Pettersson, K., & Larsson, L. L. F. (2014).
Being alone in silence-Mothers’ experiences upon confirmation of their baby’s death in utero.
Midwifery, 30(3), 91-95.

Samuelsson, M., Rådestad, I., & Segesten, K. (2001).
A waste of life: Fathers’ experience of losing a child before birth.
Birth, 28(2), 124-130.

Schwab W., Marth C., Bergant A.M. (2012).
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Post Partum. The Impact of Birth on the Prevalence of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Multiparous Women.
Geburtshlife Frauenheilkd; 72(1): 56-63.

Studi realizzati dalla Prof.ssa
G. Gandino

La Profssa Gabriella Gandino è un importante ricercatrice del Dipartimento di Psicologia dell’Università degli Studi di Torino, Psicologia clinica e psicoterapeuta a orientamento sistemico-relazionale, PhD e Ricercatore confermato in Psicologia clinica, Professore aggregato presso il Dipartimento di Psicologia dell’Università degli Studi di Torino e presso scuole di specializzazione in psicoterapia riconosciute dal MIUR.
Si occupa da anni di perdita perinatale in ambito clinico, formativo e di ricerca ed è stata un importante elemento del nostro Comitato Scientifico dal 2019 al 2022.
Di seguito i lavori presentati nel Congresso da noi organizzato nel 2019 a Torino e alcuni studi da Lei realizzati con la nostra affiliazione.


Gandino G., Sensi A., Vanni I. (2019).
Lavoro presentato al nostro  Congresso Internazionale Conoscere per Prevenire – Torino 27-28 settembre2019


Gandino G., Vanni I. (2019).
Primo Congresso Internazionale Conoscere per Prevenire – Torino 27-28 settembre2019


Provera A., Gandino G. (2019).
Primo Congresso Internazionale Conoscere per Prevenire – Torino 27-28 settembre2019


Gandino G., Sensi A. (2021).
Convegno Digital ISA/ISPID – Driving changE in Stillbirth, SIDS and infant death – Australia – 11-13 novembre 2021
Studio con affiliazione SUID & SIDS ITALIA


Diecidue A., Gandino G., Sensi A. (2022).
European Congress and Workshop on SIDS SUDI
Montpellier Francia – 29/31 Maggio 2022
Studio con affiliazione SUID & SIDS ITALIA


Provera A., Gandino G. (2022)
10th European Conference on
Positive Psychology (ECPP)
30 giugno – 2 luglio, Reykjavik Islanda
Studio con affiliazione SUID & SIDS ITALIA